Heat Management Efforts
Efforts in the Sale & Manufacture of Industrial Products
Many of our wide-ranging efforts help contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. Such efforts include the heat insulation work and other energy-saving projects we have carried out since our foundation, our fireproof coating which helps protect urban infrastructure, the parts and materials we provide for medical equipment, the provision and maintenance of air purification equipment at manufacturing sites, as well as research and development in cutting-edge technologies which help foster further development in a wide range of industries.

Environmental & Quality Efforts
Our manufacturing division operates under ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, paying careful attention to our environmental impact as we balance societal and economic needs. We also operate in accordance with such ISO standards as IATF 16949 (automobile manufacturing) and TLS 8001 (Thailand labor standards), making efforts to guarantee not only product quality, but also safety and environmental friendliness.

Overseas Expansion & Job Creation Efforts
For over 35 years we have extended regional entities throughout Asia and have created local employment opportunities. In accordance with our company philosophy, our local staff run their facilities independently in order to contribute to their nations. Plus, in our domestic manufacturing and construction works we actively recruit foreign on-the-job trainees and provide them higher education in an effort to eliminate disparities deriving from nationalities.

Efforts to Create a Workplace for All
We strive to offer a workplace which respects the diversity of each of our employees and offers them an environment which is easy to work in, by providing generous educational systems which support their desire to learn, as well as by establishing fair working conditions and pushing for a healthy work-life balance.

The SDGs are a set of global development goals adopted at the September 2015 United Nations summit meeting to create a better, more sustainable world. Made up of 169 targets and 17 goals, they pledge to leave no one behind.